If you are reading this blog, and have not committed to giving to the Mike Huckabee campaign, please, I urge you to do so. Tomorrow, December 27, there is a grassroots effort to raise $1 million for the Huckabee campaign. Please refer to this website for more information: http://dec27th.hucksarmy.com/
On Saturday, my family and I went to Council Bluffs, Iowa, to see Mike Huckabee speak. This was the fourth time I have seen him, and he was terrific as usual. There was a good turnout for the event. Afterward, my daughter Mariah, who turned 10 the previous day, went up to get Governor Huckabee's autograph. She brought up a book about presidents she received for her birthday. The inside front cover listed the first 22 presidents, and the inside back cover listed numbers 23-43. There was a spot for the 44th president, which a question mark over the face. She had Mike sign the book next to that space. It got such a reaction from the crowd and the press. In fact, there is a picture of her getting her book signed on the web. Here's a link to a story about his stop in Council Bluffs, with her picture: http://www.omaha.com/index.php?u_page=2835&u_sid=10215818.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Homeschoolers Heart Huckabee
Recently, there has been some talk in the blogosphere about how Mike Huckabee is not homeschool friendly. On the contrary, Governor Huckabee is the strongest advocate for homeschooling among the candidates. That is why the Political Action Committee of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA-PAC) endorsed him back in June. Part of that endorsement is posted below. For the complete endorsement, here is the link: http://www.hsldapac.org/dnn/Home/HuckabeeforPresident/tabid/93/Default.aspx
Michael Farris and Michael Smith were convinced in June that Mike Huckabee is the best candidate for President of the United States. This was at a time when Governor Huckabee was not a frontrunner. Not long ago, I read that there was an effort on the part of Ron Paul supporters to convince HSLDA-PAC to change or withdraw their endorsement. As a homeschool mom who supports Governor Huckabee, I was concerned, so I contacted HSLDA-PAC. I was assured that their support of Governor Huckabee was rock solid.
HSLDA PAC--Mike Huckabee for President
Dear HSLDA members:
HSLDA's PAC Committee has taken the historic step of making an early endorsement in the 2008 race for president.
We believe that Mike Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas, should be elected the next President of the United States. Mike is a principled conservative, a friend of homeschooling, a man of character, and a man with a mature faith in Jesus Christ.
Mike Huckabee, as governor, was the first to appoint a homeschooler to the Arkansas State Board of Education, and to our knowledge the first to do so in any state. He is adamantly opposed to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and is committed to stopping the erosion of parental rights. He is pro-life. He supports traditional marriage. He believes that the Internal Revenue Service should be abolished and replaced with the Fair Tax--a move that we strongly support because it would greatly benefit homeschooling families. He believes and is willing to say that Islamic extremism needs to be understood as a theologically driven threat. He believes that America must be strong, but should never be perceived as a bully. He believes that our borders must be secured not only from illegal immigration but from the growing trend among American judges of "illegally importing" international law into our American judicial systems.
There are a few other candidates in the race who are properly described as principled conservatives. None of the media's "frontrunners" would qualify for this designation. But we believe that Mike Huckabee is by far the best communicator in the race--he is able to articulate his conservative principles in an incredibly winsome and articulate manner. Moreover, among the principled conservatives, Huckabee is the only one who has been a governor. And we have not elected members of either the Senate or the House--and certainly not a mayor--as President of the United States in nearly a half century.
It is far safer for an organization like ours to sit silently on the sidelines for a long time. But, it is our judgment that we must get behind a conservative candidate who will provide a viable option to Hillary. Moreover, many of us have waited a long time for a presidential candidate who is a truly qualified and articulate man who shares our values down to his core. Mike Huckabee entered politics for the same reason that most of us began homeschooling. He wants a future that is grounded upon timeless values.
We think that the time is now. Please support Mike Huckabee.
J. Michael Smith
HSLDA President
Michael P. Farris
HSLDA Chairman & General Counsel
Michael Farris and Michael Smith were convinced in June that Mike Huckabee is the best candidate for President of the United States. This was at a time when Governor Huckabee was not a frontrunner. Not long ago, I read that there was an effort on the part of Ron Paul supporters to convince HSLDA-PAC to change or withdraw their endorsement. As a homeschool mom who supports Governor Huckabee, I was concerned, so I contacted HSLDA-PAC. I was assured that their support of Governor Huckabee was rock solid.
HSLDA PAC--Mike Huckabee for President
Dear HSLDA members:
HSLDA's PAC Committee has taken the historic step of making an early endorsement in the 2008 race for president.
We believe that Mike Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas, should be elected the next President of the United States. Mike is a principled conservative, a friend of homeschooling, a man of character, and a man with a mature faith in Jesus Christ.
Mike Huckabee, as governor, was the first to appoint a homeschooler to the Arkansas State Board of Education, and to our knowledge the first to do so in any state. He is adamantly opposed to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and is committed to stopping the erosion of parental rights. He is pro-life. He supports traditional marriage. He believes that the Internal Revenue Service should be abolished and replaced with the Fair Tax--a move that we strongly support because it would greatly benefit homeschooling families. He believes and is willing to say that Islamic extremism needs to be understood as a theologically driven threat. He believes that America must be strong, but should never be perceived as a bully. He believes that our borders must be secured not only from illegal immigration but from the growing trend among American judges of "illegally importing" international law into our American judicial systems.
There are a few other candidates in the race who are properly described as principled conservatives. None of the media's "frontrunners" would qualify for this designation. But we believe that Mike Huckabee is by far the best communicator in the race--he is able to articulate his conservative principles in an incredibly winsome and articulate manner. Moreover, among the principled conservatives, Huckabee is the only one who has been a governor. And we have not elected members of either the Senate or the House--and certainly not a mayor--as President of the United States in nearly a half century.
It is far safer for an organization like ours to sit silently on the sidelines for a long time. But, it is our judgment that we must get behind a conservative candidate who will provide a viable option to Hillary. Moreover, many of us have waited a long time for a presidential candidate who is a truly qualified and articulate man who shares our values down to his core. Mike Huckabee entered politics for the same reason that most of us began homeschooling. He wants a future that is grounded upon timeless values.
We think that the time is now. Please support Mike Huckabee.
J. Michael Smith
HSLDA President
Michael P. Farris
HSLDA Chairman & General Counsel
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Unfair and Unbalanced
I used to be a fan of Fox News. I first started watching Fox News Channel during the 2000 Presedential election. Over the years, I was impressed with their fair and balanced reporting, and that they seemed to live up to their motto, "We Report, You Decide." Having grown up watching news reported by the mainstream media, FNC was a breath of fresh air. During the past several months, though, I have started seeing a difference in the way FNC has been covering politics.
FNC has not been fair nor balanced in their campaign coverage. Here are just a few examples. First, in the Republican debates, the so-called top tier candidates such as Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani were given the majority of the questions and therefore had much more air-time. Mayor Giuliani must not have thought he had enough time, because he always spoke after the bell, and was given every opportunity to do so by the moderators. Candidates such as Governor Huckabee were not given nearly as much time. I would have expected that from CNN, but not the "Fair and Balanced" network. Second, when Mike Huckabee started rising in the polls, he was a guest on "The O'Reilly Factor." That interview was so bad, I lost all respect I had for the "humble" correspondent. The only topic covered was religion. I wouldn't mind a question or two on the topic - after all, he was a Baptist preacher - but the whole segment? It was intended to make Governor Huckabee look like a religious fanatic that happened to be running for president, instead of focusing on his qualifications such as his 3 years as lieutenant governor and his 10 1/2 years as governor, which gives him more executive experience than any other candidate. Third, one of his first appearances on "Fox and Friends" he was supposed to be on at 5:30 Central, which is way too early as it is. You wouldn't see them give that time slot to Giuliani or Romney. To make matters worse, I woke up early to watch it, only to find out I missed all but the last 30 seconds, as they put him on 15 minutes earlier.
Now that Governor Huckabee has risen in the polls and he is getting more coverage, I am noticing quite negative coverage, especially from Fox News Channel, in particular Sean Hannity. On Friday, Governor Huckabee was on Sean's radio program to answer questions on Wayne Dumond. The governor did brilliantly, answering with clarity and conviction every question asked. An hour later, Pat Buchanan was on the show, and Sean brought up the same questions about the Dumond case with him. Wasn't he there when he asked the questions of Governor Huckabee? Was the interview with Pat Buchanan taped before the interview with the governor and played afterwards? Or, is Sean really on the "Stop Huckabee Express" accentuating the negatives and eliminating the positives. Yesterday, Mitt Romney was on the radio program, and he was given two segments to distort and defame Huckabee's record, with Sean joining in. On H&C last night, the "Stop Huckabee Express" continued. Sean continued to attack Governor Huckabee on the Dumond case and on pardons and commuted sentences. I don't think Sean was interested in the answers, because he kept cutting Huckabee off. Sean's favorite thing to say about Governor Huckabee is "I like Mike Huckabee" followed by some more attacking him with distortions of the truth. I would really hate to see the level of the attacks if he didn't like Mike. I can't wait to hear Fred Thompson talk about Mike Huckabee on Hannity's show this afternoon.
FNC has not been fair nor balanced in their campaign coverage. Here are just a few examples. First, in the Republican debates, the so-called top tier candidates such as Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani were given the majority of the questions and therefore had much more air-time. Mayor Giuliani must not have thought he had enough time, because he always spoke after the bell, and was given every opportunity to do so by the moderators. Candidates such as Governor Huckabee were not given nearly as much time. I would have expected that from CNN, but not the "Fair and Balanced" network. Second, when Mike Huckabee started rising in the polls, he was a guest on "The O'Reilly Factor." That interview was so bad, I lost all respect I had for the "humble" correspondent. The only topic covered was religion. I wouldn't mind a question or two on the topic - after all, he was a Baptist preacher - but the whole segment? It was intended to make Governor Huckabee look like a religious fanatic that happened to be running for president, instead of focusing on his qualifications such as his 3 years as lieutenant governor and his 10 1/2 years as governor, which gives him more executive experience than any other candidate. Third, one of his first appearances on "Fox and Friends" he was supposed to be on at 5:30 Central, which is way too early as it is. You wouldn't see them give that time slot to Giuliani or Romney. To make matters worse, I woke up early to watch it, only to find out I missed all but the last 30 seconds, as they put him on 15 minutes earlier.
Now that Governor Huckabee has risen in the polls and he is getting more coverage, I am noticing quite negative coverage, especially from Fox News Channel, in particular Sean Hannity. On Friday, Governor Huckabee was on Sean's radio program to answer questions on Wayne Dumond. The governor did brilliantly, answering with clarity and conviction every question asked. An hour later, Pat Buchanan was on the show, and Sean brought up the same questions about the Dumond case with him. Wasn't he there when he asked the questions of Governor Huckabee? Was the interview with Pat Buchanan taped before the interview with the governor and played afterwards? Or, is Sean really on the "Stop Huckabee Express" accentuating the negatives and eliminating the positives. Yesterday, Mitt Romney was on the radio program, and he was given two segments to distort and defame Huckabee's record, with Sean joining in. On H&C last night, the "Stop Huckabee Express" continued. Sean continued to attack Governor Huckabee on the Dumond case and on pardons and commuted sentences. I don't think Sean was interested in the answers, because he kept cutting Huckabee off. Sean's favorite thing to say about Governor Huckabee is "I like Mike Huckabee" followed by some more attacking him with distortions of the truth. I would really hate to see the level of the attacks if he didn't like Mike. I can't wait to hear Fred Thompson talk about Mike Huckabee on Hannity's show this afternoon.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Wayne Dumond - One-Sided Coverage
First, I would like to express my condolences to the victims and their families of the Westroads mall shootings here in Omaha. My prayers are with you. I have been to that mall on many occasions, and I can only imagine what it must have been like to be there today during this tragedy.
I would like to comment on the news media coverage today surrounding Governor Mike Huckabee. On Good Morning America, ABC News ran a story regarding Wayne Dumond, the convicted rapist who was paroled by the parole board in Arkansas while Governor Huckabee was in office, who later assaulted and murdered a young woman, Carole Sue Shields, in Missouri. They interviewed the victim's mother, who said she would do everything she can to prevent Gov. Huckabee from becoming president, as she blames him solely for Dumond's release. Truly, what happened to Carole Sue Shields was a tragedy, and the actions of Wayne Dumond were deplorable. However, the coverage of ABC News regarding this story has been totally one-sided. They did not contact Huckabee or any of his spokespeople regarding the story. Getting both sides of the story surely must be taught in journalism school. These so-called "journalists" should go back to school and take Journalism 101, Ethics 101 - or both! To see the Huckabee side of the story, please go here and here. (The first link is a transcript of a news conference today, after the ABC story aired.)
Now for some good news - people are still wanting to find out about Mike Huckabee, going to his web-site, signing up for his e-mails, and contributing to his campaign for the first time. This story was just posted: http://www.mikehuckabee.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Blogs.View&Blog_id=846.
I would like to comment on the news media coverage today surrounding Governor Mike Huckabee. On Good Morning America, ABC News ran a story regarding Wayne Dumond, the convicted rapist who was paroled by the parole board in Arkansas while Governor Huckabee was in office, who later assaulted and murdered a young woman, Carole Sue Shields, in Missouri. They interviewed the victim's mother, who said she would do everything she can to prevent Gov. Huckabee from becoming president, as she blames him solely for Dumond's release. Truly, what happened to Carole Sue Shields was a tragedy, and the actions of Wayne Dumond were deplorable. However, the coverage of ABC News regarding this story has been totally one-sided. They did not contact Huckabee or any of his spokespeople regarding the story. Getting both sides of the story surely must be taught in journalism school. These so-called "journalists" should go back to school and take Journalism 101, Ethics 101 - or both! To see the Huckabee side of the story, please go here and here. (The first link is a transcript of a news conference today, after the ABC story aired.)
Now for some good news - people are still wanting to find out about Mike Huckabee, going to his web-site, signing up for his e-mails, and contributing to his campaign for the first time. This story was just posted: http://www.mikehuckabee.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Blogs.View&Blog_id=846.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Why Am I Doing This?
I am a wife and a mother of two girls ages 9 and 8. I homeschool my girls. Between providing my daughters an outstanding Christian education and taking care of my household, my free time is very limited. With all that I have going on, why am I blogging?
The reason is clear. I am quite passionate about politics. I have been ever since Ronald Reagan was inaugurated on my sixth birthday. As a nation we find ourselves at a crossroads. In the 2008 elections we will decide which direction our country will go. II Chronicles 7:14 says, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." I strongly believe that Governor Mike Huckabee is the person to help our nation return to our great Judeo-Christian heritage. He is by far the best candidate running for President of the United States. He may even be the best candidate to have run during my lifetime. My mission is to pray, to contribute my time and finances, and to do whatever I can to see Mike Huckabee become the 44th President of the United States - the greatest country God ever gave man.
In this blog, I will try to do what the media is failing to do. Months ago, the media decided who the "frontrunners" were going to be, before the campaign really ever started. The media coverage has been rather biased, and the debates have been anything but "fair and balanced" from FNC and the other networks.
Please keep checking for future postings. In the meantime, please visit www.mikehuckabee.com.
The reason is clear. I am quite passionate about politics. I have been ever since Ronald Reagan was inaugurated on my sixth birthday. As a nation we find ourselves at a crossroads. In the 2008 elections we will decide which direction our country will go. II Chronicles 7:14 says, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." I strongly believe that Governor Mike Huckabee is the person to help our nation return to our great Judeo-Christian heritage. He is by far the best candidate running for President of the United States. He may even be the best candidate to have run during my lifetime. My mission is to pray, to contribute my time and finances, and to do whatever I can to see Mike Huckabee become the 44th President of the United States - the greatest country God ever gave man.
In this blog, I will try to do what the media is failing to do. Months ago, the media decided who the "frontrunners" were going to be, before the campaign really ever started. The media coverage has been rather biased, and the debates have been anything but "fair and balanced" from FNC and the other networks.
Please keep checking for future postings. In the meantime, please visit www.mikehuckabee.com.
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